God Gave Me a New Song — S3-DE11

Lady V’s Devotional Episode 

Exodus 15:2 (NLT) says: 

“The LORD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—my father’s God, and I will exalt him!” 

Exodus 15:2 (NLT) 

Hands raised in worship representing how God gave me a new song.


Remember the songs of your past that evoked emotion? Some songs reminded you of good things. Yet, others reminded you of bad experiences which brought you to tears. Either way, there were always songs playing in your head. 

When we look back in Exodus chapter 14, the people of Israel were playing songs in their heads of fear, doom and despair. There was nothing positive playing on the radio.  

And then, it happened! God turned their sorrow into joy. No longer was their grim situation of bondage able to keep them held hostage to the sorrow song station. Exodus 15:2 records a new song playing in their ear—a song of praise in their mouths. 

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Wait on the LORD – S3E11


Photo of black man outside praying. After we pray we should always wait on the LORD for the answer.

Admittedly, when I hear “Wait on the Lord,” it is often easier said than done. One reason is that we live in a microwave society. In other words, many of us lack patience; we want things fast—we want them NOW. No doubt, I am not the only one who has felt that way.

As a matter of fact, I am waiting on the Lord for some things at this very moment. But even when I find myself impatient; guess what I’m going to do? Wait on the LORD. Because, one of the many things I’ve learned in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is that I cannot rush God. 

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It’s Not Over: Breakthrough Is Coming – S3E10

In general, most people have faced hard or sometimes life-changing circumstances. In all likelihood, no matter what they did to remedy the situation it appeared to be over. With that in mind, if you have spent any time in church; you have heard, “It’s not over: breakthrough is coming.” 

In many instances, it is at that moment that praise breaks out over the congregation. Why? Because many of them are facing what appears to be the loss or death of something. Thus, that declaration helps them through those trying times. 

Photo of light breaking through dark clouds. Pic represents the declaration-- It's not Over: Breakthrough is Coming.
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The Promise: It’s Already Supplied — S3-DE10

Lady V’s Devotional Episode 

Philippians 4:19 (NLT) says: 

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” 

Philippians 4:19 (NLT) 


Even at the start of our lives, God has been taking care of us. In the womb, as we began to form, God was there supplying what we needed and we didn’t even know it. 

We didn’t have a care in the world, and we didn’t even think about what was needed. Likewise, we didn’t have to know what we needed because God made sure to supply our needs since the beginning of time. 

And just like He knew we would need food and water, he also knew we needed a Savior. Thus, God sent HIS Son, Jesus, to meet our need for Salvation even before we were even born. 

And, sometimes the need is met through discomfort or pain. For instance, Jesus died on the Cross supplying our need for Salvation. It cost HIS life, but then, when He got UP, HE made new life readily available to all that would believe in Him. 

Emmanuel, God with us (Matt. 1:23), knowing that we needed HIM, provided a way to HIM. So, for all that would believe in HIM would find forgiveness of all sin. 

Photo of a Holy Bible. Pic represents how the bible is filled with the promises of God. Hence the blog title; The Promise: It's Already Supplied.
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