Met with Mercy: An Encounter with JESUS – BTEp19 

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V delve into the passage from Luke 17:11-19 in the Amplified Bible. This passage illustrates another instance of Jesus meeting people in their circumstances. He extended mercy to all who were willing to accept it. On His journey to Jerusalem, Jesus came upon a village where ten lepers, standing afar, cried out for His mercy. Seeing them, He instructed them to present themselves to the priests. As they complied, they were [miraculously] restored to health. Similarly, we find numerous instances in the Holy Bible where individuals received healing and mercy from an encounter with Jesus. 

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A Prayer for Peace – BTEp18

Biblical Talks 

The recent election in the USA is set to have a worldwide influence. Consequently, it has left some individuals feeling anxious and fearful about the future. Without question, ‘peace’ is what we all desire — both in our personal lives and in the world at large. In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V pray for peace.  

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Stay Persistent in Hope: GOD Has a Plan – BTEp17 

Biblical Talks 

Life’s challenges may sometimes seem overwhelming. Despite the circumstances, you may have been seeking a solution for years, willing to try almost anything, yet without success. In those moments, hopelessness may creep in. However, it is crucial to stay persistent in hope, trusting that God has a plan. 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V explore an example of this in John 5:1-15 from the New Living Translation. This scripture gives the account of a man paralyzed for thirty-eight years, lying at the pool of Bethesda. 

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SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT: A Word of Hope and Life – BTEp16

Biblical Talks 

It’s often said that if you’ve reached a certain age without encountering problems, you haven’t lived long enough. Life inevitably brings various struggles. But what truly matters is how we address them. Thus, it is during those times that we need spiritual refreshment and a word of hope and life. 

In this installment of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V delve into Psalm 22:1-2 and Psalm 23:1-6 from the New Living Translation. These passages reveal King David’s struggles and his methods for coping with the issues that brought him great distress. The entire book of Psalms reflects the various peaks and valleys of life. 

Spiritual Refreshment: A Word of Hope and Life--In this photo is a beautiful meadow with snow covered mountains in the background.

So, where did David get his spiritual refreshment? Where did he go to get a word of hope and life? David sought spiritual refreshment through prayer and meditation on God’s Word, as reflected in the Psalms. He turned to God to receive words of hope and life, finding solace and strength in his faith. 

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THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER: The Seed, The Soil, and The Harvest – BTEp15 

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V explore “The Parable of the Sower: The Seed, The Soil, and The Harvest.” In Luke 8:4-15, as per the New Living Translation, Jesus addresses a large crowd with a parable. This parable depicts a farmer sowing seeds, some of which fall on various types of soil. However, only the seeds that land on fertile soil yield a crop. 

Likewise, when one hears the Word of God—the seed—and retains it in an honest and good heart, they patiently produce a bountiful harvest. 

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The Two Gardens: The Lessons Learned – BTEp14

Biblical Talks 

In this installment of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V delve into Genesis Chapter 2, Genesis 3:1-13, and Luke 22:39-53. These scriptures offer insights into handling temptation. We analyze the two gardens and their teachings. Initially, in the Garden of Eden, we witness Adam yielding to the temptation he faced. In contrast, in the Garden of Gethsemane, we observe Jesus’ opposite response as He resisted temptation. 

Life consists of a succession of choices. Sometimes, those choices entice us to make decisions that lead to negative outcomes. Often, our decisions have a direct impact on those around us. Therefore, upon examining the aforementioned texts, we can observe the significant influence that Adam and Jesus of Nazareth have had on the world. 

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Give Your Cares To God – BTEp13

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V discuss 1 Peter 5:6-11 Amplified Bible Classic Edition. Of course, the Apostle Peter was writing to a group believers scatter abroad during that time. But we too can learn from his counsel and warnings. Now, our main focus for this episode is — giving our cares to God — found in verse seven,  

“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” 

Photo of a man casting a fishing line representing giving your cares to God.
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LIFE’S FIELD – We Harvest What We Plant – BTEp12 

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V discuss Galatians 6:7-10 New Living Translation. In this passage, the Apostle Paul denoted that we will always harvest what we plant. In other words, life will always present us with the temptation to make harmful or bad decisions. And if we choose to do so, we harvest the negative and/or the destructive harvest that follows. No doubt, most often than not, someone other than yourself gets caught the crossfire. Moreover, the same is true, when we do good, we harvest blessings in just the right time. Although Paul’s letter was addressing the churches of Galatia — it still very much applies to us, even now. Make no mistake, in life’s field — we harvest what we plant. 

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A Cry for Help – BTEp11

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V discuss Psalm 57:1-11 New International Version. In this passage we find David in great distress. He is crying out to God for help because King Saul was pursuing him. Why? because Saul was jealous and threatened by David, thus, he wanted to kill him. For that reason, David cried out for help that could only come from God. You see, David understood that God’s wisdom and understanding is better than that of any other. 

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The Word Made Flesh – BTEp10

Biblical Talks 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V discuss the passage John 1:1-18 [The Word Made Flesh]. In the New Living Translation it says, The Word Made Human. Either way, The Word Made Flesh refers to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hence, from this passage we learn exactly who Jesus was and still is. Also, we learn that God sent John the Baptist to testify how Jesus was the true light that shines in the darkness. Moreover, we learn how God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ. 

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