Love Yourself – Don’t Be a Placeholder – S2E5

Relationships are the connections one has with others. And although there are several types of relationships—romantic relationships can be tricky. In other words, those connections are hard enough as it is when both people are on the same page. But if they are not, it makes navigating through the issues of life that much more difficult. 

Do you feel loved, cherished, and respected? 

Photo of the words Love Yourself with long-stem roses placed on all sides but the left side.

And for that reason, loving yourself is so important. Because, when you truly love yourself, you are more aware of how that relationship affects you. For instance, how does the relationship make you feel? That is all the more crucial when planning a future with someone. 

If you are not receiving what you need and want from the relationship it’s time to examine that. In Ephesians 4:2 New Living Translation it speaks on how we should be with others, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”  

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