Grace for the Thorn – S4 Ep9 

Grace for the thorn — what does that even mean? Well, let’s first look at one of six definitions for the word ‘thorn’ on For this purpose, the following best explains the context of the word ‘thorn’ in this episode. Thus, a thorn is something that wounds, annoys, or causes discomfort. 

Photo of two thorny branches. Pic represents how in hard times God gives His grace for the thorn.
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Mental Health Awareness – S1E7

Mental Health—no longer a taboo subject 

For many years mental health was considered a taboo subject. Even though, in 1949 the month of May was designated Mental Health Month by Mental Health America. Also, October 10th, 1992, was chosen as World Mental Health Day to bring awareness to mental health issues around the world. Indeed, mental health awareness is at the forefront now more than before. 

In fact, we have been witnessing the result of untreated mental illness in the headlines. And sadly, it has been the cause of horrific loss of life through shootings in schools, churches, workplaces, malls, theaters, and nightclubs.  

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