THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT–Taking God’s Armor with You – S3E8

Wisdom Series Pt.3 

THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT–Taking God’s Armor with You; but what does that even mean? First, what is the Sword of the Spirit? Second, what is God’s Armor? And furthermore, why do we need them? Well, I am so happy you care to learn or further understand the answers to those questions. 

Because Proverbs 4:7 New King James Version says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” So, let’s do just that–get an understanding of the Sword of the Spirit and the Armor of God. 

Photo of a Holy Bible with a sword placed on top representing The Sword of the Spirit--Taking God's Armor with you.
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Wisdom – A God-listening Heart – S1E5

What is wisdom and why is it important? 

Wisdom is the state of being wise. It is knowledge of what is right coupled with good judgment and discernment or insight. And a God-listening heart will assure wise decisions. When we use wisdom, it helps us avoid reckless decisions. Lady V and I believe everyone needs wisdom to live skillfully. And a God-listening heart will greatly help one in that process.

So, let’s look at why wisdom is important to our lives as a whole. For instance, the Word of God [The Holy Bible] is filled with wisdom. Therefore, when we read the Word of God, we learn golden nuggets. More specifically, those golden nuggets will light the way and keep us on the right path. 

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