Stay Persistent in Hope: GOD Has a Plan – BTEp17 

Biblical Talks 

Life’s challenges may sometimes seem overwhelming. Despite the circumstances, you may have been seeking a solution for years, willing to try almost anything, yet without success. In those moments, hopelessness may creep in. However, it is crucial to stay persistent in hope, trusting that God has a plan. 

In this episode of Biblical Talks, SD and Lady V explore an example of this in John 5:1-15 from the New Living Translation. This scripture gives the account of a man paralyzed for thirty-eight years, lying at the pool of Bethesda. 

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A Safe Place to Lay Your Heart – S2E18

One can’t even begin to discuss a safe place to lay your heart without first discussing trust. Trust plays an essential role in our decision making. According to trust means to rely on the integrity of a person or thing. For instance, have you ever given anyone the benefit of the doubt? Of course, we all have. And did you later regret it? Yep, been there too.

Well, according to Dr. Phil, we owe no one the benefit of the doubt. He said humans are the only species to sense danger and run headfirst into it. That includes various aspects of life. But, all other species trust their instincts and run in the opposite direction of danger. In other words, as humans, some of us trust too easily when we must be mindful in whom we place our trust at all times. 

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Don’t Succumb to Fear – S2E11

Fear–how can one emotion grip people in such a way that it paralyzes certain areas of their lives? Well, to answer that question we must first look at fear for what it is. Fear is a distressing emotion that stems from a threat. And that threat may be real or perceived. But the truth is, either way–you don’t want to succumb to fear.

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Live Beyond Fear–S2-DE11

Lady V’s Weekly Devotional 

While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?” 

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” 

Mark 5:35-36, NIV  


Photo of a person leaping across a canyon representing how trusting God will help you live beyond fear.
Take a leap and trust God to help you live beyond fear.
Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

Have you heard some bad news lately that shook you to your core? We all have at some point in life. But, it takes knowing God and trusting God to LIVE BEYOND FEAR

Jairus, the leader of the synagogue, was given some terrible news by a messenger about his daughter. She had just died and now it looked like all hope was lost. 

Jairus, must have paused for a second to catch his breath. His emotions now caught up in a whirlwind of FEAR. Was he too late?  

For you see, he had journeyed to find Jesus to ask HIM to come, and heal his daughter who was deathly ill when he left home. This was a pivotal moment! —FEAR or FAITH.  

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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say – S2E9

In our episode Watch What You are Saying, Lady V and I discussed how important words are. So, several questions come to mind. Such as, when going about your day do you ever consider your words, whether in thought or spoken form? Do you always think before you speak? Can others trust what you say is truthful? Do you honor your word? Moreover, do you say what you mean and mean what you say? 

Man talking on a stage in front of a blue curtain. Photo represents trusting someone's word because they say what they mean and mean what they say.

So, let’s look at what the Holy Bible says about it. Now, Proverbs 16:23 Good News Translation says, “Intelligent people think before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive.” Also, Ecclesiastes 5:5 Good News Translation says, “Better not to promise at all than to make a promise and not keep it.” 

As we can see, scripture even attests to how important it is to say what you mean and mean what you say. 

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The Answer is on the Way – S2E6

Prayer–some people believe in the power of it, while others don’t. Are you one of the many people who incorporate prayer in your everyday life? If so, I’m sure there were times when it seemed as if the answer to your prayer was a resounding ‘no’. Because the answer didn’t happen when you wanted it to. In episode 2, Lady V and I discussed the different reasons for that happening. 

Lean not on your own understanding 

Now, the question for some people then becomes “Why pray if I don’t get the answer I want?” Unfortunately, that’s when the feeling of giving up on prayer and God takes hold. Especially, to those individuals in desperate situations. 

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You Are Not Forgotten -S2-DE6

Lady Vs Weekly Devotional 

The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time. 

Psalm 34:17-19, NLT  


Beloved, if you’ve found yourself crying out to God and wondering, “When will the answer come?” You are not alone. Many of us go through rough seasons and want God to speak, show up, and fix it—ASAP. 

I know; It may seem like God has forgotten about you and isn’t there; But, I’ve been sent to tell you that GOD IS THERE.

Woman sitting on the sidewalk holding a bible-- representing trusting God for direction and comfort.

No matter what you are battling through, the LORD is with you. You are NOT alone.  God is Jehovah Shammah –The Lord who is THERE.And, you are not forgotten!  

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Trusting Beyond What You Think or See

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  

Proverbs 3:5-6, NLT 


We go through phases in life where trust is required to move forward. However, trusting can be difficult. Imagine that someone is asking you to jump out of a plane for the first time. And, you don’t know if the parachute will come out or where you will land.

It can be a pressing task trying to trust when you aren’t certain of what is ahead. Unquestionably, if we knew the future it would be great, however, knowing it doesn’t require faith.   

God requires us to take a leap of faith! When we trust God, we are saying to HIM that we have faith in HIS plan, not ours. It’s not always clear what that plan is but the Word of God tells us, 

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11, MSG

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